popacademy: Poplast for professional training and work
At the invitation of the Don Orione Professional Institute in Borgonovo Val Tidone (PC), we had the pleasure of previewing the popacademy project to a very interested audience on 20 December.
Francesco Costanzo (Poplast PrePress Manager), with – at his side – Paola Scarabelli (Human Resources Dept. Supervisor) and Roberto Fugazza (Production Manager), described the initiative, of which he is the creator and promoter.

What is popacademy
‘It is the internal academy of the Poplast Group dedicated to the training of professional profiles in our sector (Printing on flexible packaging and converting), intended for their REAL integration in the company and in the world of work,’ explains Costanzo.
‘Unlike many company academies, we are the ones who move to reach the young people in the Technical and Professional High Schools, and then proceed with targeted internships with a perspective of possible employment’.
Target: specialised personnel
popacademy also comes from the consideration of the difficulty in finding specialised and up-to-date personnel on the labour market.
‘We aim above all at young people, for their valuable predisposition towards innovation and the technology of the future’.
The project partners
Many institutes and institutions have already shown great interest in the project and a desire to support it. Among them:
- Municipality of Castel San Giovanni (PC)
- ATIF ‘Educational Commission
- Don Orione Institute Borgonovo VT (PC)
- Rondani Technical Technological Institute (PR)
- Esko Graphics
Next steps
‘We will continue to take our project to the schools. We have already collected many adhesions from young people, who are willing to start a concrete experience with us.
Soon the courses will start!